How I got my Sexy Back

My road to sexy…                                                               

Feeling good is my number one priority these days but it wasn’t always that way. This year, instead of making the usual New Year’s resolutions and thinking about what I wanted to do in 2018, I decided I would focus instead on how I wanted to feel.

Recently I have been teaching a lot of detox classes and I used to host a radio show called Vitality Is Yours, where I talked about natural/ local foods that contribute to your health and vitality but what you probably don't know is the not so "vital" path that lead me there.

My wake up call came nine years ago when I found myself suffering through a bad marriage and a terrible case of eczema (scaly, ugly rashes all over my BODY!!)  As you might imagine, none of this made me feel good but it was that horrible rash that sent me over the edge. 

 I needed HELP and urgently;  so I immediately made an appointment with my doctor. I was hopeful but to my dismay, the doctor’s prescriptions did not work, as a matter of fact the rashes got worse.

I felt a million miles from sexy…

Oooh noo!  I thought…if medicine isn’t working what will?

 In my desperation, I turned to natural health and natural foods for relief and began to immerse myself in everything I could learn about natural cures. It didn’t take long to begin seeing results but what I discovered was that natural food was just the tip of the iceberg.

This “natural” idea went a lot deeper than I could have imagined.  My search for “natural made it glaringly apparent how far I’d veered from a natural path, not only in regards to food, but how I lived my life.

Somewhere along the way I had turned into a one woman army. All my attention had become focused and expended outwards; putting out fires and keeping everyone happy.

I felt strong and confident but somehow that strength came with a feeling of being hard and rigid.  The joy I used to feel as a girl, had been buried under a bunch of seriousness and an energy sucking "get it done" attitude.  

I wanted my sexy back

To be truthful, there was a part of me that took a lot of pride in the idea of doing it all myself and that I didn’t need anybody.

 I was extremely proud of my accomplishments, yet at the same time, at the end of the day, I felt exhausted, unsupported and wondering is this as good as life gets?

I decided to take a risk and start showing up in my life a way that felt easier, more relaxed, a nutshell more natural. I gathered up all the memories of the fun, playful, and lighthearted girl that I used to be and decided to let her be in charge for awhile.

 I took a deep breath, crossed my fingers that all the "success" I had created  wouldn't take a nose dive, and went for it!   


 As I adopted  what I call now, my Simply Sexy approach, surprisingly to me, my power tripled, I got more work done. 

Everything magically started changing around me. My employees wanted to please me where before it was like pulling teeth to get things done. My work load was reduced and I got better result.

The simpler and more natural my movements through life, the sexier my life (me included) became..

People started noticing that something had changed about me but they couldn't quite put their finger on it. Women started complimenting me on my "radiance" and asking me for beauty secrets because I looked so "young and vibrant".

 I would always chuckle because the "beauty" they were noticing had come from my inner shift, nothing I had done externally.


Sharing the Sexy system…

I have decided to share the surprisingly simple sexy process that has allowed me to connect to the true source of vitality, which wasn't contingent on the food I ate, how much I weighed, what I did for work or who I was dating.  It came from my ability to be comfortable and even excited about my own personal unique brand of beauty, success, and power.

What I will share with you will help you recognize and step into a power, and delicious brand of sexy, (that has absolutely nothing to do with the images portrayed by main stream media).

You will feel super sexy without yo-yo dieting or going under the knife and feel super powerful without turning yourself into a one-woman army.

If any of these rings a bell for you and you would to learn about a simple sexy path  please stay tuned for my next blog.